19 May 2011

Racism Is Still Evident?

In the midst of a lovely conversation during AP English Language and Composition class sixth period today, colleges came up as a topic, shockingly. What I heard was very surprising, and I'd like to challenge that: Colleges have a "minority quota" that they must fill.
So wait. Are you telling me that not only do I have to compete with smart people, but I have to racially compete as well? I didn't know that I was able to change the color of my skin so easily. Where can I go to do that, and how much does it cost?
Isn't it ironic how Civil Rights Leaders pledged the words "judge not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"? So technically, if colleges and universities are accepting people to fill a quota based on race, isn't that racial discrimination? Because I'm white, does that mean it's going to be more difficult to compete with, say, an Arab? We might be at the same intelligence level, but hey, colleges like racial diversity, so bye-bye to me.
I'm not trying to be racist, I'm just pointing out that race should not be a deciding factor when sending out acceptance letters. And anyway, I could be wrong, this is just from word of mouth and I haven't researched it all too much to qualify the information.
What's your opinion on it?