21 October 2010

Why the Hate?

My argument is, of course, on the basis of discrimination against homosexuals and the debate on gay marriage. Just because a person is different than what is considered normal does not make them a horrible person. Even "normal" people are different from each other. An athlete is different from a band nerd, who is different from a loner kid, who is different from the class clown. It is these differences that bring out the individuality in us that makes us who we are. Homosexuality is no different. So what if they are homosexual? It's their life and their business.
"I have a secret. I'm homosexual." "Do you like me or something?"
Just because a person is homosexual does not mean that they have fallen in LOVE with every single person of the same gender. Like everybody else in the world, they have what is referred to as "tastes". If I say I am heterosexual to a guy, is he going to immediately ask "Do you like me or something?" No, probably not.  The context of the conversation was probably along the lines of sexuality, and bringing forth my sexuality does not mean that I am "making a move" on anybody.
Gay people aren't allowed to get married. In the bible, it states that marriage is the union between a man and a woman.
Not everybody reads the bible. I read the bible on occasion, but I do not always follow what the bible has to say word for word. There is also the concept of religion. Am I the same religion at you? Probably, probably not. There are many different religions in the world, and not everyone is the same as everyone else. On the subject of atheism, they are not obliged to follow "your god". For the sake of argument, let's say that two homosexuals are atheists, and plan to get married. They don't believe in "your god". Does that still mean that they have to follow what "your god" says? No. By forcing "your god"'s teachings onto another, that is almost the same as forcing the religion onto them.
It's not right.
There are a lot of things that aren't right in this world. There are murderers, and thieves, and rapists. There are those who harm for the pleasure of harming others. Being a certain way does not make a person wrong. A person born without a leg isn't "wrong", are they? No, they were born like that and that is how they live their life. They aren't intentionally harming another, are they? So then why should we criticize a group of people like that?
What happened to America being the land of the free? In the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill of Rights to be more specific, it states that we "are granted certain unalienable rights, of which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". In discriminating against a homosexual's right to wed, we are taking away their pursuit of happiness. We are taking away their unalienable rights. Unalienable means that under no circumstances are they allowed to be taken away. What has America come to, to end up like this?
Homosexuality means nothing. They are just like any other person. If this discrimination continues, America is just going to be torn apart, just like it was during the Civil War. I do not want a war, but I am willing to fight for the rights of others. Voltaire's philosophy dealt with freedom of speech, but his meaning can be related to this topic. "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it."
Peace and love to all the lost loved ones. May the hatred towards homosexuality come to a much-needed close and may those who are any sexuality free and proud to be that sexuality, without any discrimination.
Peace, love, purple. <3