01 February 2012


My mouth hurts. Terribly.
Jamela suggested that I apply a bag of frozen peas or carrots to my face so that it stops hurting. I shall try this, thus why I am writing this blog. It is a reminder for me to take care of my face instead of forgetting about it and then ending up cringing in pain later on.
So my birthday is in nine days, and I have an audition/interview for UCLA in eleven. And then after that I get my nose pierced, since I'll be eighteen and my mom can't tell me no. Ha. Hooray for adulthood. I have decided that I want it to be either black or red. Or pink. Pink is cute, too. And for those who watch me on youtube, keep watching, especially if you like seeing videos people post where they are getting pierced. I shall be joining that oh so happy little cluster of people.
That's cool, I guess?
It's Economics class right now. I would like to go home. But I can't just yet. After school I am meeting with some drama peeps to work on revising the club's constitution with our new adviser. We're going to the cute little German bakery downtown. And I forgot to bring money, so I won't be able to purchase a chilled beverage to sooth my terrible gums.
I will bring Laura a quarter tomorrow, since I forgot to pay her back the dime that she lent me the other day.

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