29 February 2012

You people need to learn how to shop like girls.

Seriously. I don't know. I was just talking with this guy sitting next to me in Economics class and we're doing this "game of life" project where we have to look up life resources and whatnot. He was commenting on how much money the website accounts for clothes, and so... yeah. People need to learn how to shop like girls. I mean, yeah, there are a few of us that have no realization of how much an item costs, but most of us know where and how to find the deals. Heck, this past week I was shopping around, and there was this gorgeous shirt I found. Fifty freaking dollars normally, but because it was on clearance, it was marked down to five. Brilliant, right?
And I feel like my stock market peeps ditched me. I'm sitting in the back of the room and they wanted to sit all the way at the front. They didn't even notice me. D: It's like, for seriously?
But I get coffee later today, so that makes everything so much better.

Did anyone get free pancakes yesterday? Heck, who am I kidding, I'm a loser and I never get any comments on my blogs. I'm forever alone in the world of internet blogging.
And it's not cheap if it's ghetto.

26 February 2012

One More, Please?

I'm sure a lot of people can agree with me on this one. My school just gave us a full week off this past week, and I have to say that I am not ready to go back just yet. There is still more sleep to be done, and I definitely want that. I miss waking up at my own pace and actually eating breakfast at my house. I miss staying up late talking with my boyfriend on the phone, not caring about when I need to go to bed, and just falling asleep with him on the phone.
This just makes me even more excited for graduation, and for college. I want to be able to choose classes that start at ten or eleven in the morning. I want to be able to not go to class on Friday. But something tells me that one day I'm going to look back and miss the structure of high school. Or maybe not. I know I'll miss that I'm guaranteed to get in a class. I know that I'll miss the classes that I've really enjoyed. I know I still won't care less about AP Language. That was just a terrible class, just saying.
But let's just look ahead at the future, shall we?

22 February 2012

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain

So why don't you actually follow it, bitch?

Sorry, it's just something that has irked me for so long lately. There's this bitch who claims that she loves God, she loves Jesus, etc., and it's cool to have a religion and all, but she's such a bitch! She talks crap about everybody! She probably never has anything nice to say about anyone. Or the "nice things" are for the few people that would actually be nice to her.
But if you don't believe me...
She talks shit about every person in the theater program. There was one girl who had trouble memorizing her lines because she had a large part, and this bitch fucking calls her stupid for it. Mother fucker. I'm the president of a club and she searched through the club's constitution not once, not twice, but three times to find a reason that could impeach me because she wants my job. Mother fucker couldn't find shit because I actually do my job and I'm actually nice to people.

So all I have to say is, she is NOT a Christian.

15 February 2012

I drank water yesterday.

You can't buy water. How am I supposed to answer this question "select three products you have used or consumed in the last 24 hours.... What company made the products?"?
And now, I want chocolate. Or should I say HSY? Chocolate is delicious; who wouldn't want to invest in chocolate? Everyone loves chocolate. If health wasn't an issue and people weren't popping up with diabetes around every corner, everyone would buy chocolate every day.
By the way, Laura's new name is "Mmm guurl" because she's racist and thinks that every black lady says "Mmm guurl" during bra fittings at Victoria's Secret. And Victoria's Secret doesn't trade on the stock market. They're part of Limited Brands, which is the same company that Bath and Body Works belongs to. Both companies, by the way, have fantastic lotion that I would love to lie in all day long. Or not. That would be kind of gross to sit around in lotion all day, huh?
So it is around four or five hours until I get my nose pierced. Septum, yeaah. (: How attractive would that be? Especially when I get around to purchasing that jewelry that would make me look like I have a moustache. Awesome.
You know, I am actually really surprised that I don't have "chocolate" as a label. I'm addicted to chocolate; why isn't it a label yet?
Oh, and some shameless advertising. Watch JamEhla. She's my angry Muslim, and I love her. <3 Spread the love, everyone. Treat everyone with kindness. Except Laura. Mmm, guurl, she's so racist.

01 February 2012


My mouth hurts. Terribly.
Jamela suggested that I apply a bag of frozen peas or carrots to my face so that it stops hurting. I shall try this, thus why I am writing this blog. It is a reminder for me to take care of my face instead of forgetting about it and then ending up cringing in pain later on.
So my birthday is in nine days, and I have an audition/interview for UCLA in eleven. And then after that I get my nose pierced, since I'll be eighteen and my mom can't tell me no. Ha. Hooray for adulthood. I have decided that I want it to be either black or red. Or pink. Pink is cute, too. And for those who watch me on youtube, keep watching, especially if you like seeing videos people post where they are getting pierced. I shall be joining that oh so happy little cluster of people.
That's cool, I guess?
It's Economics class right now. I would like to go home. But I can't just yet. After school I am meeting with some drama peeps to work on revising the club's constitution with our new adviser. We're going to the cute little German bakery downtown. And I forgot to bring money, so I won't be able to purchase a chilled beverage to sooth my terrible gums.
I will bring Laura a quarter tomorrow, since I forgot to pay her back the dime that she lent me the other day.