So I'm sitting here at PAWS tutoring and my friend Cindy brought up how she found Laura's blog. So Laura apparently neglected her blog for over a year and is just now getting around to updating it. So I decided that I would post something on mine as well, even though I tweak out on this site constantly and post more often than she does.
And Soiyer is lame because he doesn't have a blog.
So anyway...
I guess I'll talk about how SacAnime went. I don't have my pictures on this computer, because storing my photographs on a school computer is kind of creepy. I'll just post up another post that has a bunch of pictures from the con later then.
I attended the convention from Friday to Sunday, staying in the hotel room with my friends Arianna and Hailey. I was planning on sleeping in the closet but Hailey dragged me into the bed with her. :3 Since we are good kids and attended school on Friday, we didn't get to the convention until around eight or nine at night. I cosplayed almost the entire weekend. I was Micronation Wy from Hetalia on Saturday and Sunday, with a little break to be Hibari from Hitman Reborn (KHR) so that I could go to that meetup with Hailey and Arianna.
I went to the maid cafe on Sunday for their lunch show. It was so pretty. :3 I auditioned to be a part of the Summer staff for the next convention. I think I did pretty well in my audition; I told them that I have lots of theatrical experience and I volunteered as a server for Girl Scouts. I didn't know any dances, though, so they showed me part of a dance and I copied, which I think I did pretty well on. Wish me luck for that!
I was working on a vlog for my youtube throughout the convention, so that will be up in another post, possibly the same post where I show off my pictures. (:
So I guess that is all, happy followers. Keep on.. following...
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